Disruptive Lending

The benefits of automating the customer journey

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Loan origination is still one of the most important processes and one of the main sources of revenue for banks and lending institutions. Simplify your loan origination process and boost customer satisfaction regardless of the complexity and size of your product catalog. Respond quickly to growing customer demands, increase transparency and streamline your back-office operations.

Facilization’s low-code native Loan Origination Oracle Banking Loan Origination

Facilization’s low-code native Loan Origination module

Shorten your Time-To-Yes by up to 50% and Time-To-Cash by up to 20% within a single lending solution by leveraging Creatio’s no-code capabilities & Facilization’s expertise in Creatio’s integrations. Through Facilization’s solution built on Creatio’s no-code platform, lending institutions will streamline their entire lending process via automation and Increase customer satisfaction and retention

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Oracle Banking Loan Origination

Facilization delivers implementation services for Oracle Banking Loan Origination to help financial institutions improve their cross and upsell and boost their customer satisfaction through a personalized and engaging onboarding and lending experience.

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Genc Bregu

Solution Architect

Expertise: Banking Apps

As a Solution Architect for Facilization, Genc designs solutions for Banking Application Platforms, in order to enable a smooth digital transformation for the Banking Sector. Genc facilitates the composition of turnkey solutions for our customers, through effective collaboration with other team members and our partners.

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Gerd Hado

Director, Business Development and Marketing

Expertise: Banking Apps

Gerd joined Facilization in 2021 as the Business Development and Marketing Director. In his current role, he leads our Business Development and Marketing team in developing new strategic partnerships and business opportunities across Europe.

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